Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Raindrops make colors

Delaying snack time because the lights outside are too beautiful to go back home now , staying out in the rain without noticing her crooked hat . Is that being a bad mother ? she doesn't seem to mind thankfully :) // 
Retarder l'heure du gouter parce que les lumières dehors sont trop belles pour rentrer à la maison là maintenant, rester sous la pluie sans remarquer que son chapeau est de travers . Est-ce cela être use mauvaise mère ? heureusement elle n'a pas l'air de se plaindre !

Friday, 21 November 2014

When Natures Overcomes ...

I took these pictures last August on Omey Island exept the first one which was in a forest co.Kildare on the east of the country. A short escape from motherhood , it felt wonderful to walk freely up and down the hills , and because I had to come back to my baby soon I nearly ran around the island to make the most of it !

Thursday, 11 September 2014

My summer in two words : Love & Motherhood

Watch the sunrise - the sun bright - the sunset
Step outside with her in my arms
and show her 
the Trees , the Leaves, the Birds - She smiles
oh my little girl
I wish a better world 
for your eyes.